Coop Sweden To Launch 'Methane-Reduced' Beef

3 years ago

Coop Sweden has announced that it is to launch methane-reduced beef under the LOME (Low On Methane) brand at selected stores from the end of June.

The product, which Coop says is the first of its kind, is an outcome of a pilot between the biotechnology company Volta Greentech, the grocery chain, and the food company Protos.

Methane Reducing Feed. Sweden's Volta Greentech developed Volta Seafeed, a feed supplement for cattle based on the red algal species Asparagopsis that reduces methane emissions.

In 2022, Volta Greentech teamed up with Protos and Coop Sweden for a pilot project on Gotland island, with the goal of taking methane-reduced meat to the meat counters for the first time.

Within the framework of the project, ten bulls on Ejmund's farm on Gotland received Volta Seafeed as part of their daily feed for about three consecutive months before slaughter.

The study tested different ways of feeding the animals, and most reached over 90% methane reduction, with the average for the period remaining at 80%.

In addition, new methods were discovered during the study to integrate the feed into the farm's daily work, which will make it easier for more farms to implement the solution in the future.

Charlotta Szczepanowski, head of sustainability and quality at Coop Sweden, said, "This is a project that is really at the forefront in the field of food tech and the transition to a more sustainable food chain.

"We look forward to being the first in the world to offer our customers and members a unique product in our stores and to continue to support Swedish food production."

Methane-Reduced Beef At Coop Sweden. LOME products will be sold for a limited time in select stores, including 500-gram packs of ground beef priced at approximately SEK 59.

The retailer will also sell other selected parts, such as sirloin steak and beef fillet, over the counter.  The parties have already begun planning for the future launch of additional products, the retailer noted.


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